Coach Series

Coaches at the Dan Abrahams Soccer Academy are presented with videos that will help them better understand the mental side of the game and assist them to incorporate sport psychology techniques into their coaching culture. Discover how by watching the Coach Introduction video

What’s Inside the Coach Series?

Player Video Sessions introduce coaches to the techniques used throughout the series

Coach Video Sessions help coaches to teach their players the psychological strategies introduced in the programme

‘Theory Corner’ videos detail the science that underpins the psychological techniques introduced at the Academy

‘Psych-Social Model’ videos introduce Dan’s own model of coaching which places emphasis on the psychological and social sides of coaching

Coach Series FAQ’s

Coaches have access to both the player and coach video series. The player series introduces coaches to the psychological techniques used throughout the videos, and the coach series explains the science behind these techniques and teaches coaches how to best assist their players to implement them. It also gives coaches strategies to further develop their own coaching skills. If you would like to sign your team up to the Dan Abrahams Soccer Academy, take a look at the Team Plans page for information about additional features for organisations.

All players you invite to join you at the Academy will have access to the player video series. This series provides practical tools to help players play better, develop greater resilience and deal more effectively with the challenges they face on and off the pitch. Their parents will have access to both the player and parent video series. The player series introduces parents to the psychological techniques used throughout the videos, and helps parents best support their child at home and at games.

The Academy is a fantastic resource for coaches looking to incorporate mental skills into their coaching practice. Players, parents and coaches are invited to learn and develop the mental side together to create an optimal learning and performance environment.